Channel your inner artist and recreate some of the most famous artwork from the master Edward Hopper.
This coloring book is printed on thick, high-quality paper, allowing you to use any medium you like. Pencils, watercolors, paint, ink, there is no limit to your creativity.
Includes 12 masterpieces:
- House by the Railroad / Maison au bord de la voie ferrée - 1925
- Automat / Automate - 1927
- Chop Suey - 1929
- The Lighthouse at Two Lights / Le Phare de Two Lights - 1929
- Early Sunday Morning / Tôt un dimanche matin - 1930
- Room in New York / Chambre à New York - 1932
- Ground Swell / Houle de Terre - 1939
- Cape Cod Evening / Soir à Cap Cod - 1939
- Gas / Essence - 1940
- Nighthawks - 1942
- Cape Cod Morning / Matin à Cap Cod - 1950
- Morning Sun / Soleil du matin - 1952
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About Edward Hopper
Edward Hopper (born July 22, 1882, Nyack, N.Y., U.S.—died May 15, 1967, New York City) was an American painter whose realistic depictions of everyday urban scenes shock the viewer into recognition of the strangeness of familiar surroundings. He strongly influenced the Pop art and New Realist painters of the 1960s and 1970s. Hopper was a minor-key artist, creating subdued drama out of commonplace subjects ‘layered with a poetic meaning’, inviting narrative interpretations, often unintended. He was praised for ‘complete verity’ in the America he portrayed.